random triva

aka things that will be moved later probably

-- homestuck beta --

not much of a secret, but originally homestuck was going to be made entirely in flash. the flash version was only updated for about 3 days until homestuck proper came out :p

-- that one page with hussie's other work --

i love this
on page 31, hussie made an interactive thing with john's collection of games... where you could go to jailbreak, problem sleuth, or bard quest. there were also some joke games made to fill out this "collection", like the ghostbusters 2 mmo

-- the trolberones --

back in like 2019 (after homestuck had ended), hussie put a bunch of trolberones in california. then they were spread all over the world kinda??? june egbert is canon now thanks to this YAY
you can find information about all of the rewards, and exactly what happened on homestuck.net

i hate hs^2 good god why are we continuing a timeline where i sexually harassed someone this is disgusting

go back