jade harley

jade harley (gardenGnostic) is the fourth formally introduced character in homestuck! she's known in myth as the witch of space
she lives with her taxidermied grandpa and magical thousands of years old dog on an island. the taxidermy is a tradition don't mind it
she has several sylladex moduses, but mainly uses pictionary! pregame she typically uses a memory match modus, though... she has allocated her first strife card to riflekind! presumably because that's the weapon her grandpa used, and taught her how to use
her planet is the land of frost and frogs, and her sprite is jadesprite! thank you to my grandpa for grabbing my dead dreamself from the battlefield and putting it in a secret room of my house <3
arguably more important than the fact that her sprite is mainly comprised of a dead dreamself, is the fact that bec the immortal omniscient dog was prototyped with it pre-hatch! you know what that means :(
she's introduced on page 760, and has her first real pesterlog on page 169! :p her main instrument is the bass

-- various fun facts --

i have various mental illnesses

i use pesterchum enamel! i only use my laptop, so i dont really know if it's avalable on other platforms :p

i use the echidna browser! :D

there are TELEPORTERS in my HOUSE!!!!

the reason my shirt changes every pannel is because i have a wardrobifier :P

look at them LOOK AT THEM!!! :D

go to page 797 :3

i have the greatest bass ever it has keyboard samples in it


also my grandpa used to sell ammunition :(

i'm literally the entire reason this guy exists oh my god

-- jade's (lack of) dream writing --

i'd assume jade doesn't really have any big problems weighing over (under?) her head, so she was able to awaken early... knows enough about her grandpa to understand his stuff? check. happy enough without living in a place with over 150 people? check. already figured out she was trans? check

-- bec --

bec is my magical ectobiologically created puppy from 20th century united states!

originally living as halley in 1910, bec is a mutated paradox clone created with the GCAT code

shortly before the reckoning, authority regulator (aka aimless renigade) finds bro's skateboard just. flying around derse with hal on it.

he then promptly steals the board from hal, and takes it out to the veil to do some SICK TRICKS

finding a frog temple within the veil, AR goes inside. because frogs are illegal on derse.

inside, he finds a large monitor

where he watches grandpa harley crash down on earth!

this monitor is locked onto halley, and is connected to an ectobiology-related machine. the draconian dignatary (diamonds droog) uses this machine along with a gcat code obtained from rose's notebook, and creates my best friend!!

-- notable flashes --

> [S] Jade: Play a silly flute refrain. (pg 769)

> [S] Jade: Play a hauntingly relaxing bassline. (pg 822)

> [S] MIDNIGHT CREW: ACT 1031 (pg 833)

> [S] Strife!!! (pg 918 - "strife" with grandpa)

> [S] Jade: Retrieve package. (pg 980 - strife with bec)

> [S] Jade: Pester John. (pg 1073)

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