wayward vagabond

teased beforehand, and properly introduced on page 666, wayward vagabond is the first of several exiles in the beta kids' session! exiles live on what was once earth, and can talk directly into a player's thoughts via a prompter on a machine.
every session's exiles are what has become of someone who was once a resident of either derse or prospit. WV in particular was a dersite farmer on the battlefield!
strife specubi? array moduses? instruments? no chess person has ever heard any of these terms.

-- various fun facts --

on page 268, jegbert mentions a voice in their head. in canon, these voices aren just the exiles... but they way john describes it
EB: since i got here i feel compelled to do these weird things i don't really want to do.
EB: by some kind of voice that i can't really even hear. i don't know, it is hard to explain.

there's a barcode on wv's wrist, due to the fact he was a derse citizen

he knows about each of the beta kid's planets, prospit and derse! the kid's planets were not yet revealed when wv was introduced

on page 691, the troll's blood colors (except for candyblood. you know why) was ALMOST ENTIRELY REVEALED. but instead of magenta or whatever fef's color is there's peach. ugh

wayward vagabond has a hatred for kings! this is because before he was exiled, he was a farmer on the battlefield. the war that took place the battlefield had burnt his farm down...

so he led a revolt!!


-- notable flashes --

> [S] WV: Ascend. (pg 757 - caps off act 2)

> [S] WV?: Rise up. (pg 1801)

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